Friday, August 20, 2010

Day's in History

These are some facts about what happened on the 21st of August.
1989 - Voyager 2, a U.S. space probe, got close to the Neptune moon called Triton. 

Some other things that happened on the 22nd of August are. 
1911 - It was announced that Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" had been stolen from the Louvre Museum in Paris. The painting reappeared two years later in Italy.
1932 - The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) began its first TV broadcast in England. 

Did you know that this week is Library Week. Library Week began over 35 years ago to honour the important role libraries play in our community. Library Week Started on the 
16th of August and ends on the 22nd of August.

Jump Rope For Heart Day

Next Thursday (26th August) it is Jump Rope for Heart Day. Two groups of people from our class are doing a presentation. I am one of them. If you aren't doing a presentation then still keep on skipping. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Mr H is away so if the reliever doesn't tell us to practice just remind him politely if he could let us practice.  

Tapa Art

This Term we have been doing some Tapa art with objects or patterns that we wanted to draw. The fun part was we got to scrunch it up to make it look like the paper wasn't paper from a factory and instead from a Pacific Island process.

Term 3 Devotions

This Term in Devotions we have been learning about how God is Holy. Some of the stories we have looked at are Moses and the Burning Bush, how the ground and bush were Holy then, we also learnt about the Tabernacle and how there was the Holy of Holies and the Holy room.