Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Athletics Day

Athletics day was awesome. Asher came 1st, Issachar came 2nd, Naphtali came 3rd and Zebulun (to my disappointment, as I am in Zebulun) came last. The morning was quite warm but later in the afternoon it started raining. Here are some crazy logos I made for them.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Funny Plane Pics

Here are some funny plane pictures I found.
Pic1- Watch out Santa!
Pic2- Make way for the Nurse
Pic3- I never knew Caravans could fly!
Pic4- Big guy and little guy
Pic5- Look at it sideways and it looks like a Ballet Dancer
Pic6- The fastest water skiier in the world
Pic7- Hey where did my head go!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Room 10's Got Talent Movie

This is a video of Rm 10's Got Talent 2.0 made by me (Joe). Room 10's Got Talent was a chance we had to show everyone our talents. I hope you enjoy.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Wordle
One day in class we passed a piece of paper round with our name on it. When it came back to us it had a whole lot of encouraging comments on it.
Wordle: Untitled

Friday, September 3, 2010

Your Dad is a Monkey, A not so ordinary Life

If you think your Parents are crazy? Then read this book!

Robert wakes up one day with a perfectly normal life. But he has no idea what he’s going to face tomorrow. The next day his Dad says “Our life is too ordinary, we are going to move up a tree”. Throughout the day his Dad tells him many more changes that are going to happen, like calling his parents Albinia and George, cold baths and no toys! When he moves up a tree in the park they get in arguments with the park-keeper and children at school. Eventually Robert gets fed up and moves back home. With the help of friends and their parents George his Dad and Albinia move back home to.

I think the book was really good for people who like happy endings and a bit of a laugh.
For example in a storm in Roberts tree, Albinia and George’s hammocks get twisted and they fall to the ground.
The book is great for people with a sense of humor.

By Joe